
November 16, 2016

Appendant and Allied Bodies

The following ritual bodies are allied to the York Rite ritual bodies because of the requirement that their members are also members of the York Rite or at least one of its ritual bodies; and they are allied to the York Rite by the requirement that their members be Freemasons.
November 17, 2016

York Rite

The York Rite, or more correctly, the American Rite, is based on Freemasonry as practiced in the early 18th century. The formation of the first Grand Lodge of England in 1717 specified that lodges only conferred the degrees of Apprentice, Companion and Master Mason, considering all other degrees as spurious.
November 17, 2016

Cryptic Masonry

The degrees of the Council are commonly referred to as Cryptic degrees. The Cryptic degrees in Freemasonry are the degree of Royal Master and Select Master. The degree of Super Excellent Master is part of the Council degrees, but has nothing to do with the crypt or the vault.